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Changelog: Screenshots in GitHub PR's + design & stability updates

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Synthetic Monitoring with Screenshots in GitHub PR's

We just pushed a new feature and some bug fixes around our GitHub deployments integration.

  1. First of you can now toggle whether we should show screenshots made in your Puppeteer scripts inside your GitHub PR. This is turned off by default.

Checkly GitHub integration

2. We updated the format of the GitHub PR to better make use of our recently released groups feature. You now have a clearer summary, more detail per check in your group and of course the screenshots if switched on.

GitHub PR comment with Checkly results

3. We shipped fixes for the following bugs:

  • We requested too many tokens from the GitHub API, causing 401 errors. This left GitHub check runs hanging because we did not mark them as finished.
  • Checks in a group did not always run in the order specified in the UI.
  • Response bodies and logs in the GitHub PR comment

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